Contents of directory jahn


The dump file contains only function declarations. Call the functions in order to run them.

Note that the dataset can not be made public and is therefore not available for download.


Click on a file to view it in your browser. Use "File-Save As" (or similar) to store it to your local disk. Alternatively, click with the right mouse button and select "Save As" (or similar).

Use source("filename.ssc") to read in (and possibly run) the code contained in an S-Plus script (ssc) file.
Use data.restore("filename.sdd") to restore all objects contained in an S-Plus data dump (sdd) file.
Under Windows, you can double-click on ssc files to start S-Plus and open the ssc file in the S-Plus editor.

Create a new chapter for trying out the code provided here.

All of the files below as zip file

jahn.sdd Declarations of the functions Figure 12.1 to Figure12.9, ci.HauckAnderson, test.Schouten
jahn.ssc All S-Plus code showing up in the chapter, including commands

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